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beautiful leaves and fruit of a fig tree on a blue background

Figs are nutritious, tasty and can be used in a variety of dishes and recipes. What’s more, fig trees are fairly easy to grow, even in Edmonton. Here’s how to do it!

Fig trees are becoming increasingly popular in Canada, and for good reason. Figs are nutritious, tasty and can be used in a variety of dishes and recipes. What’s more, fig trees are fairly easy to grow, even in Edmonton. Here’s how to do it!


Fig trees need to be planted while dormant, so spring is the best time to do it. Typically, your fig tree will already be in a pot, but should be transferred to a larger planter. Add bone meal to the potting soil and be ready to transfer your tree to increasingly larger pots over the summer. Fig trees grow fast.

If planting in your yard, find a sunny spot that’s not exposed to the wind. This will help protect your tree from the elements during the fall and winter. Fig trees can be a great addition to your property landscaping.


Depending on the tree variety, you may have to adjust your care routine. Italian Honey fig trees are ideal for Canada, as they easily withstand cold spring nights and will yield fruit without pollination, making them easy to grow indoors. Other varieties, like the Brown Turkey, need regular fertilizing during the growing season, although excessive nitrogen use will result in all leaves and no fruit.

If you don’t have a yard or if you can’t find a nice, sunny spot for your trees, then growing them indoors or on your balcony is likely your best bet. You may need to purchase UV lights but, with proper care, your fig tree will give you more and more fruit with each passing year.


One of the most common worries when it comes to fig trees is how well they can withstand the Canadian winter. If your trees are in pots or planters, move them to a sheltered, frost-free area. This will protect the trees from extreme temperatures, as it’ll be a bit warmer in there than outside.

If you planted trees in your yard, you’ll need to mulch them in the fall and then set up a tripod over each one and wrap it with burla


If you’d like to get expert advice on how to care for your trees, trust the arborists at All Season Tree Service. We provide a wide range of tree services in the Edmonton area and beyond. We can ensure your trees stay healthy all year, every year with the proper care. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help!


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